We expect litter from this combination in  winter 2024


3rd highest scoring dog of the year 2023 of all breeds at the Icelandic Kennel Club C.I.B., ISJCh, IS CH, NORD CH, NLM Pendahr Preston



We have exciting plans for next year.

C.I.B., ISJCh, ISCH NORDICCH Pendhar Preston became the 4th best dog of the show today, the last show of the year and the last show that Preston participates in (maybe again as a veteran who knows) It was fitting to show Preston under the Norwegian judge Arne Foss but Preston came from Norway and was bred by Ingunn Ohrem & Hanne Thorkildsen. Preston is a lovely pet and a great representative of the breed. You get a dog like this once in your life. It wasn't just Preston who did well at the show, his daughter ISCH NORDICCH Eldþoku Glæta was the best of the opposite, his granddaughter ISCH NORDICCH Eldþoku Sýrop was the third best bitch, Eldþoku Coco and Eldþoku Hlýja both got excellent. Southpoint Oscar was the best youngster of the breed and became junior champion.

These lovely puppies were born July 19th 2023 , we may have one female available



If all goes well, we are expecting puppies in the second half of July



We have had great success at the last shows, see more under shows results


The highest-scoring whippets across all dog breeds at the Icelandic Kennel Club 2022 are our dogs: C.I.B., ISJCh, IS CH, NORD CH, NLM Pendahr Preston, IS CH, NORD CH 5-6 Eldþoku Glæta 11-12 and NLM Eldþoku Rigning 35-49. Eldthoku kennel is the highest-scoring whippet breeding in Iceland for the 5th year in a row.

We are grateful to all of you who have helped with this, our people who show up with their dogs for shows, and those who have helped us in the ring.  Below are pictures of these 3 highest-scoring dogs. Photos: Anna Szabó.
The highest-scoring whippets across all dog breeds at the Icelandic Kennel Club 2022 are our dogs: Eldthoku kennel is the highest-scoring whippet breeding in Iceland for 4th year in a row.
We are grateful to all of you who have helped with this, our people who show up with their dogs for shows, and those who have helped us in the ring.  Below are pictures of these 3 highest-scoring dogs.
Winter Wonderland 26-27. Nóvember 2022. Judge. Liliane De Ridder-Onghena, Belgien. Last show of the year all our dogs did well. Ch. Eldþoku Glæta BOB & BIG at this photo with her handler Brynja Kristín. 


Best in show. C.I.B. ISCH NORDICCH Pendahr Preston  Judge: Thorbjörn Skaar (Sweden) 



C.I.B. ISCH NORDICCH Pendahr Preston 

International dog show today, all our dogs did great, see under show results

12.júní 2022

We had a great show with our dogs this weekend , BIS 1 junior, Best of breed and group ended as 1 of 10 best dogs of the show 1250 entries, see more under results

Sighthound Speciality show  30.4.2022 under breed specialist Carina Ekwall (40 Sighthounds entered)
BISS 2 BOB  C.I.B. ISCH NLM NORDCH Pendahr Preston 
Best Junior w/jun cert CC Eldþoku Sýróp Soja later best bitch  (BOS ) Best Junior opposite sex  w/ jun. Cert Eldþoku Latte 
BISS  Veteran 
C.I.B. ISCH vet.cert  Courtborne Rajesh

See a lot more under show results

March 5th 2022

We went to a big dog show this weekend and it went well, 3 best bitches and 2 best males were ours, 2 new Icelandic champions. See more under show results.



Top whippet in Iceland at our Kennel club is Eldþoku Glæta and top whippet male is Pendahr Preston. Eldþoku is top whippet breeding in Iceland  2021 fourth year in a row

November 29th 2021
Nordic show held in Reykjavik this weekend and 1000 dogs entered, it´s a biggest dog show in Icelandic history. Our Eldþoku Glæta became BOB and then BIG 1, other results are under show results.



Finally all breed dog show weekend in Iceland and with very nice results for us today, see results under show results

April 3rd 2021
Puppies were born with us today  6males and 2 females, parents Eldþoku Klaki & Eldþoku Glæta.
All puppies are reserved for now.


We got puppies today from Eldþoku Lóa, the proud father is Pandahr Preston, all puppies are reserved.

1.ágúst 2020

Great news from Denmark! Cino our new import (hopefully here in august)Best of breed at his first show. Sobresalto O Sarracino BOB puppy 6-9 months Judge:Vibeke Ellesøe. 

Sobresalto O Sarracino BOB puppy 6-9 months Judge:Vibeke Ellesøe.Great news from Denmark! Cinoour new import (hopefully here in august)Best of breed at his first show.
Sobresalto O Sarracino BOB puppy 6-9 months Judge:Vibeke Ellesøe.

Match Show /Útsláttarkeppni 20.júní 2020
Judges: Herdís Hallmarsdóttir, Lilja Dóra Halldórsdóttir, Sóley Halla Möller,Þorsteinn Thorsteinson

Puppies 4-9 months
Best puppy 1
Eldþoku Gambur (Stígur)


Only a few days now :)

 We are very excited,  we are expecting puppies in January, from this beautiful couple see more: https://whippet.breedarchive.com/animal/pedigree_analysis?sire_uuid=622fd119-64f2-4c04-9538-57be3cd3a24c&dam_uuid=eea1e286-76f8-4b08-8028-f9603ac9db30


Last show of the year and we did great under the judge Saija Juutilainen, at this photo BIS 1 Junior Elldþoku Súld, see more results undur Show results





8.october 2019 
The Popsicle puppies 9 weeks old 

 International dog show HRFI  25. ágúst 2019

Best of breed under Arne Foss (Norway)
Best in group Arne Foss (Norway)
Best  in show 3 under Karl Erik Johansson (Sweden)
Res BIS CIB (Pending) NORDICCh ISCh ICJCh Pendahr Preston
Best bitches
BB 1 ISCh Eldþoku Svala Excellent CACIB BOS
BB 2 Eldþoku Væta CAC Jun CAC Best junior


5. ágúst 2019

We are very happy to announce the arrival of 3 puppies from insemination of frozen semen.
Puppies are big and healthy and are doing very well as their mother.
The parents are: SE UCH DK UCH HU CH EE CH C. I. B SE JW TALLIN WINNER SE VCH ADAGIO OLIVE DRAB x Eldþoku Mjallhvít 2 CC 2 res Cacib:


june 9th 2019
Great weekend at 2 HRFI shows
BIS 2 BOB BIG1 Pendahr Preston
BOB BIG 2 ISCH RW-17-18 Eldþoku Svala 
BIS 3 Junior Edlþoku Glæta
More results under show results 


Preston BOB BIG 1 í dag

Alþjóðleg-Norðurljósasýning 23.-24. febrúar 2019
Dómarar:Luis Pinto Teixeira:

Excellent CK 1.BHK CACIB BIR BIG 1 ISCH ISJCh NLM Pendahr Preston
Excellent CK 3.BTK RW-17-18 ISCh NLW-18 Eldþoku Svala 
Excellent CK 4.BTK ISJCh Eldþoku Mjallhvít

SL Eldþoku Ylur
SL BIK Eldþoku Væta 
SL Eldþoku Súld
L Eldþoku Rigning


Top Whippet Breeder in Iceland 2018 is Eldþoku Whippet
ISCh RW-17-18 NLW-18 Eldþoku Svala Top Whippet 2018 in Iceland
ISjCH NLW-18 NCA-18 ISCh Pendhar Preston Top Male in Iceland 2018

Winter Wonderland sýning HRFÍ 2018
ISJCh NLW-18 BIS 1 & 3 Junior Pendahr Preston excellent CK 1.BHK CERT NCAC BIR BIG1 (became ISCh)

Bitches Mellemklasse
Eldþoku Mjallhvít excellent, CK 3.BTK CERT
Eldþoku Lísa í Undralandi excellent CK 4.BTK
Eldþoku Öskubuska excellent
Eldþoku Pysja excellent ck
Absoliuti Idilé Ivanka excellent ck
Eldþoku Katla excellent
Multi BOB Winner RW-17-18 ISCh NLW-18 Eldþoku Svala excellent ck

Eldþoku Væta Bedste baby & Eldþoku Dropi Bedste hanne at Reykjavík Nordic Show this evening in puppy class 3-6 months. Judge: Elina Haapaniemi, Finland
2. Eldþoku Úði SL
3. Eldþoku Dumbungur SL
4. Eldþoku Blautur SL
2. Eldþoku Súld SL
3. Eldþoku Rigning SL
4. Eldþoku Glæta SL
Eldþoku Hlýja L


August 2n 2018

Top whippet male in Iceland 2018 ISJCh NLW-18 BIS 1 & 3 Junior Pendahr Preston x Top Whippet in Iceland 2018 Multi BOB Winner RW-17-18 ISCh NLW-18 Eldþoku Svala (Tekla)
Tekla gave birth to eight puppies the 2nd of August, all are well.





 The puppies are here 11 healthy and strong and very even, 6 males and 5 females. The mother is very happy with them. 
Pedigree: https://whippet.breedarchive.com/animal/testmating…


4.3. 2018

ISJCh NLW-18 Pendahr Preston BIS 2 junior :)

We are very happy with the result today:
International and Northern light Winner show held in Reykjavik.  Judge: Göran Bodegård (Sweden) 
BIG2 BOB (Best of breed) Excellent, CC, Cacib NLW-18 RW-17 ISCh Eldþoku Svala (Tekla)Best male 1 BOS(Best of oppisite sex) Excellent, CK ISJCh NLW-18 Pendahr PrestonBest male 3  Excellent, Ck res. Cacib C.I.B.ISCh RW-14-15-16-17 Courtborne Rajesh
These dogs are the parents (hopefully) of our next litter 
(see more results)


We are very happy about the show results this weekend more info under show results.Here is our new boy Pendahr Preston he won the first place in Best in Show as a junior in a very hard competition.



Planned litter more info under litters

Progeny & Breeding group judgement from 3 last shows in Reykjavik

"Very even in type, all have beautiful heads, dark eyes and are quite outstanding" (Philip John)
"All have excellent heads and 2 bitches are outstanding, quite pleasing" (Philip John)
"Excellent, very similar with excellent expression, very well balanced, they are all excellent dogs in excellent condtion"  (Fabrizo La Rocca)
"Nice croup with strong familiy look in breed type. Free movers, expressive faces, congratulations (Magnus Hagsted)



Here you can see photos and videos of our 8 weeks old puppies, all taken by Kristbjörg Olsen artist took.


March 4th 2017
Updates under show results

We are over the moon 7 perfect puppies borne. 2 males and 5 females Lóa did exceptionally well



Lía is now 6 weeks pregnant, in this photo taken today is her  grandmother ISCh RW-13 Álfadísar Drauma Dagbjört and her father  CIB RW-14-15-16 ISCH Courtborne Rajesh. Lóa is doing great:) expecting litter: whippet.breedarchive.com/animal/testmating?dam_id=230696&sire_id=219294



We are very grateful this is our new girl from Kennel Absoliuti Idle in Lithuania, thank you Ramune Balciuniene for this opportunity. She will move to us next sumer.


If all goes as expected then we will have puppies around february 20th 2017.See details below litters


We are very proud we are the owners of the 3 top whippet´s in Iceland according to the Icelandic Kennel club´s list over  top dogs in all breeds in Iceland. These dogs are:
1. C.I.B (waiting for conf.) RW-14-15-16 ISCh Courtborne Rajesh
2. Eldþoku Lóa 19 months old
3. Eldþoku Svala her litter sister co-owned by Berglind Zoega.
We are also top whippet breeder 2016

Lóa and Rajesh (Darri) 2016

Our youngster Eldthoku Loa winning BOB-BIG last saturday.

February 29th 2016
International Dog Show

This beauty Eldthoku Svala (Tekla) became BOB and BIG1 last weekend february 27th her sister Loa was second best bitch with Ck and their father RW-14-15 Courtborne Rajesh was second best male with CK and res cacib. Eldthoku Luna was Excellent. Judge was Jean-Jacques Dupas from France



Male Whippet of the year 2015 and 2014 was RW-14-15 Courtborne Rajesh



Eldthoku Svala became BIS-1 puppy at Open show held by the Icelandic Kennel club all her siblings got excellent critigue and their father  multi BOB winner RW-14-15 Courtborne Rajesh became 2nd best male w/ck . Judge was Sóley Halla Möller.

This is our keeper from our last litter, her name is Eldthoku Loa and she is  6 months old at these photos here below.


This is our keeper from our last litter, her name is Eldthoku Loa and she is 19 weeks old at these photos here below.


Courtborne Rajesh (Darri)  participated in the International dog  show held in Reykjavik March 1,  judge was Janusz Opara.


We happily announce a new litter Courtborne Rajesh (Darri) x Eldthoku Strond (Penny Lane) 9 healthy puppies, 2 males and 7 females were born this morning.





Here is a photo of our Penny Lane (Elthoku Strond) 7 weeks pregnant today: https://thewhippetarchives.net/testmating.php?dam=168596&sire=198003


December 21st 2014

We hope to get puppies around february 20th, The happy couple are: Eldthoku Strond (Penny Lane) og  Courtborne Rajesh (No Se Dk Nord Uch Skyborne Crossing The Atlantic x BIS No Se Dk Nord Uch Courtborne Rock-A-Hula Baby)

Courtborne Rajesh (Darri)  Top whippet number 1 at the Icelandic Sighthound Club 2014. 2 Dogs share the top seat in Iceland this year.


International dog show held in Reykjavíkt november 9th 2014, judge:Gunther Ehrenreich. 
There were four dogs from us there and all did wonderfully:
Courtborne Rajesh BOB-BIG-2 (Judge: Charlotte Hoier)
Eldthoku Luna (Sara) Excellent -CC 
Eldthoku Strond (Penny Lane) Excellent -Ck
Eldthoku Spilda (Vanda) Excellent -Ck
Big thanks to the breeder and the handler of Courtborne Rajesh (Darri), Kristin Hoff and to Jörgen, Karen and Hrafnhildur

International  dog show held in Reykjavik september 7th 2014

Judge: Laurent Heinesche

Courtborne Rajesh, Excellent, CK, CAC, too young for res.CACIB second best male.

Eldþoku Strond (Penny Lane) Excellent. CK

Eldþoku Kira, Excellent

Eldþoku Luna (Sara) Excellent, CK



(júlí 2014)

The Sighthound Club has had couple of license run recently and dogs from us met up, yes we can be very proud of them all,each and everyone showed great talent at the lane. Many youngsters ( not 2 yrs old yet) have finished their 3 x license run and others have taking 1 or 2.

Eldthoku Strond (Penny Lane) 3x license
Eldthoku Spilda (Vanda) 3x license
Eldthoku Klettur 3x license
Eldthoku Sandur 2x license
Eldthoku Eyja (Aría) 3x license
Eldthoku Stuðull (Reykur) 3x license
Eldthoku Orka (Lola) 1x license
Courtborne Rajesh 2x license

Springeldens Dolce Ranocchio (Dunder) 3x license
Alfadisar Drauma Dagbjort (Þoka) 3x license
Magni (Tímon) 3x license
Alfadisar Drauma Ljosbrá (Þoka) 2x license

(maí 2014)

We had a wonderful time with our Red-Celestial litter yesterday. All the puppies came and met their mother, now they have all been in puppy school and learn basic manners. They are all lovely and their owners are hard to find, we could not be happier due this.
Eldthoku Sashi came to visit and we took this photo of him, he is 4 months now

Our new import male Courtborne Rajesh is finally at our home and we couldn´t be happier with him.

The puppies from our last litter are now 3 months olds, yesterday the siblings met again for the first time after separation and they loved it.
Now Courtborne Rajesh have flown across the Atlantic, from Norway -Sweden and then to  Iceland. Raj needs  to stay in animal quarantine facility here in Iceland for 4 weeks. Everything goes well.



We are very pleased to announce that, our new male import Courtborne Rajesh  went to his first show in Norway this weekend it went very well BIR -BIG, thank you Kristin Hoff for taking him for us
7 weeks photos of the puppies are in the photo gallery
We took some photos of the puppy today they are 5 weeks  today. The photos are on the front page. Please enjoy
                                    Our puppies have got their names:
                                    Male I: Eldthoku Arcus (The Rainbow)      
                                    Bitch II: Eldthoku Kira (The Sun)
                                    Male III: Eldthoku Izar (The Star)
                                    Male IV: Eldthoku Ira (The  Earth)
                                    Male V: Eldthoku Sachi (The World)
                                    Bitch VI: Eldthoku Luna (The Moon)


Our puppies are 10 days now and they are all doing great, the mother is in super conditions, we couldn't be happier

Here are two photos of our new male  Courtborne Rajesh, he is coming to the country in February. Almost 3 months now.
International dogs show in Reykjavik 16th-17th november 2013
Judge: Gerard Jipping
Our male dog Springeldens Dolce Ranocchio best male with CC-CACIB-BOS




This is Courtborne Rajsh he is coming to live with us in february 2014, he´s from the Courtborne kennel in Norway, we are very happy and thankful, many thanks to Kristin Hoff and her co- workers.

C.I.B.ISCh Beautiful Alfadisar Drauma Ljosbra  a pregnant girl on her week five


We are expecting puppies in the end of the month
C.I.B.ISCh Alfadisar Drauma Ljosbra x Springeldens Dolce Ranocchio

Also news under litters:)
Early this morning September 20th 2013 puppies were born 2 male and 2 bitches with Courtborne Kennel in Norway.
Parents: No Se Dk Nord Ch Courtborne Rock-A-Hula Baby and Skyborne Crossing The Atlantic cc winner swe & nor. We are planning to have a male dog from this litter, final decision will be taken in 6 weeks.